Adam Lambert was so happy and excited after the release of Superpower and wanted to chat about it and get his fans’ reactions. He shared funny stories about the day of filming, about the green suit, the melting ice cream and even what’s behind the wig toss! He keeps asking for questions, like no one’s […]
Adam Lambert Talks Superpower with Ryan Seacrest
The promo for Superpower and Velvet is ramping up which means we’ll get to see a lot of Adam Lambert! Ryan Seacrest had Adam online Wednesday, the first day of Superpower’s release. Check it out! Love ya! ~ Carol ~
Superpower is out and it’s a KILLER!!! Have you heard it? The bridge, the artistic vision, the humor – EVERYTHING!!! I think it’s cute that the little girl’s pink ice cream melted, and Adam replaced it with his favorite, Chocolate Mint! And Terrance looks mighty fine too. LYRICS – SUPERPOWER There’s something missing and I’m […]
Adam Lambert Clues Us In On Velvet’s Inspiration
While we all know Adam Lambert to be a bit of a chameleon in his musical tastes, I was really surprised by the sound of his new music with New Eyes & Comin’ In Hot. In the following interview from, Adam really opens up and gives us a feel of exactly what he’s hearing […]
Adam Lambert Drops VELVET Release Date!!
The Tweet says it all!! ***Adam edited his Tweet. The original contained links for Amazon/Google digital pre-orders, and one marked Physical, which took you to his label, Empire. Only the Empire link remains, so I’ve included the other links for you. I just ordered the digital download from Amazon and it was $4.99. If you […]