Just to fill you in with the latest on Adam Lambert, all his TV promos for Velvet from New York and Los Angeles, including his concert from the Jimmy Kimmel stage have been canceled, due to coronavirus cautions. But the full Velvet is still releasing on Friday, March 20th, so that’s fantastic news!

Here’s a great interview with Adam Lambert from Australia.
We’re still waiting to hear what’s happening with the Velvet Miniresidency at The Venetian in Las Vegas in April. As soon as we know, we’ll fill you in.
Lila & I are wishing the best to everyone – stay healthy!
Love ya!
~ Carol ~
Such a bummer that so many shows are cancelled.
I just checked all the hotels and there are no available rooms for April at any of the hotels.
Venetian also is closed so how could his residency be going to happen.
Planet Hollywood just auromatically sent me a cancellation for my room for that weekend.