Happy 31st Birthday Adam! Thank You for All the Flavor You’ve Brought to Our Lives!!! Get it, 31 Flavors?!

Today is a day of celebration for @adamlambert as he officially celebrates his 31st birthday! We know he’s been celebrating for a few days, starting with the party at West Hollywood’s Bootsy Bellows with family and friends.

Adam Lambert celebrating his birthday at Bootsy Bellows. photo courtesy socialitelife.com

Adam Lambert celebrating his birthday at Bootsy Bellows. photo courtesy socialitelife.com

He’s again taking the occasion to call for fans to donate to a charity instead of getting him a present. This time, he’s partnering up with Nile Rogers’ WeAreFamilyFoundation. This is the organization that will be honoring him with the Unity Award on January 31, 2013.

He began the official day today, very early by tweeting, of course!

And let’s not forget it’s also the 2nd birthday of his Godson, Riff!

How will you be celebrating the day? Are you gathering with a few or 20 of your best GlamFriends? Drinking a Glambertini? Please tell us! Lila and I chose to celebrate by attending a week of Muse concerts, where we hoped we’d see or hear that Adam was in a box seat at Staples, but it doesn’t look that way. Hopefully we’ll go for dinner tonight too!

This brings me to asking a funny question, since it’s Adam’s 31st birthday. Okay, here goes. If Adam were a flavor of ice cream, what would it be?!?

Love ya!
~ Carol ~

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  1. Random Medley says

    Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream. Not my favorite but I remember Adam saying it was one of his. If I was doing the licking he would be Vanilla with Almonds.

    I celebrated Adams birthday in San Francisco with 20+ Glamberts on Sunday. We had a fun dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe on Pier 39. @Lambertlust organized the party and brought a beautiful cake with a picture of Diva Elmo Adam. Then to everyone’s surprise he dropped to one knee and proposed to @talatzkomom2 .

    • I just heard about your party from Lambertlust on Juneau and Xena’s radio show. Lots of parties going on around the world. I am getting nervous that Adam won’t be doing anything after his few shows coming up but writing for a new album. I am hoping for a Queen tour. I need to see him performing live.

      • What do you think Adam plans to do after March?

        • Random Medley says

          I have a feeling he is going to have new music out this summer. He said he wasn’t going to take as long as last time and not as quick as the first time. He never sits still for long and he has learned so much. I wouldn’t be surprised if he had some new songs already. I know he loves his music but it seems like he’s almost bored with singing the same songs. On the other hand with a theatre background he’s had practice singing the same stuff for months. On the other, other hand the thrill of putting a new gig together is also exciting. Whatever he does I doubt if he will go in hiding as long as last time. He needs to stay current and in the public eye (and not just grocery shopping).

  2. Happy 31 St Birthday Adam!
    “Wow”….so young & yet so full off wisdom with regards to opening up your heart…reflecting “One’s True Self”!
    BRAVO…to you Adam…as always….I will be a die hard fan till the day I die.!!!
    I can’t get enough of “ADAM”…I will follow you anywhere & everywhere….always!
    XO Always…”ADAMICTED”

  3. I hope you all had a Happy Adam Birthday!

  4. HAAPPY BIRRRTHDAAY! 31, are you sure? I think you are far too smart, sexy and mature to be so young. I hope you had a vibrant and loving birthday love. Get it, get it!
    Totally dedicated,

  5. Happy Birthday Adam. I keep looking and hoping for a tour date in the states. You are the most exciting entertainer I have ever seen. Miss u live. I will keep looking and hoping. I have been your fan since the idol days. Love u always

  6. Adam, I have loved ever since the first time I laid eyes on you! I still love you. You are just SUPER cool. Baby which ever way you go you are just so fine. This is a belated happy birthday wish to you. I was sick on your birthday. And sorrily forgot to send this. When are you going to be on the TV? I so much love to see you. wish I could attend one of your concerts. But I live out in the sticks. The only time you weere close to me was when you were going around with American Idol. I love you Adam! and I wish you joy, happiness, good health and most of all love! Sherry K