Growing Up With Adam Lambert

You come across the greatest things on the web! Yesterday I found this wonderful creation by gallavich wyd published 2 days ago, showing Adam growing up right before our eyes.

7-8-16 childhood photo

Photo via

The immediate thing I take from this is how happy Adam always looks. He has a wonderful quality of looking relaxed in any situation, while still showing genuine happiness and remaining humble. The next thing that struck me was the incredible hair journey! I hope you enjoy this as much as I did! πŸ™‚

The creator of this piece included a strong request which I’m happy to comply with:
β€œThis man is a legend. Also follow me on twitter: @YourGlambert
AND FOR THOSE PEOPLE WHO KEEP DOWNLOADING MY EDITS FROM YOUTUBE AND POSTING THEM ON THEIR ACCOUNTS I WILL BLOCK YOUR ASS. THATS MY TWITTER, CREDIT ME THERE AND MY INSTAGRAM IS @da.original. just cause its on youtube doesnt give you the right to post it on your account without crediting me.”

Love ya!

~ Carol ~

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  1. glamity58 says

    Loved this Carol, thanks. So much going on in Adam’s life now and news of another album in the future! I’m excited. I have a few fears of Queen singing in Israel, but Adam is not afraid to take risks both with his music and performances. This is a fun journey.

  2. Hasn’t it been the best trip ever watching Adam grow up. Not to mention, he’s getting more gorgeous and sounding better ALL THE TIME. I am a FOREVER & ALWAYS a Adam Lambert captive and loving it more all the time. Thank you so much, Carol. Loved it!!

  3. Tina Dooley says

    I love this collection of photos and little film clips. I am overwhelmed by the lovely Mr Lambert – magical voice and so much charisma. Such a powerful voice when he sings in concert, Adam owns the stage. Love from Tina xx

  4. Great to see some of those clips again. Its just not fair that some people get better looking with age!!!

  5. Gloria Green says

    Just gorgeous! The piece and Adam. Loved watching this and of course gallavich wyd is a true Glambert (must be with the love put into this). Carol thank you for posting this, I am and always will be a fan of the mesmerizing, hypnotizing, incredibly gorgeous and talented Adam Lambert!
    Gloria476 aka Glambert #476