American Idol Producer: Adam Lambert “Super Devoted” Mentor at Idol Boot Camp

Michael Slezak interviewed American Idol producer Per Blankens, who commented about Adam Lambert’s and Chris Daughtry’s time at Randy Jackson’s Boot Camp. They also discussed the Rush Week Slaughter, the Top 5 Twist and bringing back more American Idol graduates.

Boot Camp 2014
Photo courtesy of

The following are excerpts from this very in-depth article. There’s a link at the end to take you to the full article.

Love ya!

~ Carol ~

P.S. Happy Mother’s Day from Carol & Lila at!

American Idol EP Per Blankens on Rush Week Cruelty, Randy’s Mentoring, J.Lo Close-Ups

By Michael Slezak; May 9, 2014

TVLINE | Do you think next year we might see a little more of the Idol Boot Camp that preceded Rush Week? We only saw glimpses of Adam Lambert and Chris Daughtry offering advice and sizing up the hopefuls, but I feel like that would make for really interesting television, showing us more of what happens behind the curtain.

Yeah, I liked the workshop too. It was a new thing. It gave the kids some preparation for what’s to come. Adam and Chris were super devoted – I’m very impressed with these guys. They showed up, they were there for two days — even though it was just a small segment that got shown — and they did a lot of things off camera that you never got to see.

TVLINE | Probably the biggest complaint I’ve seen from readers this year focuses on Randy Jackson and his role as mentor. We haven’t really seen any specific advice he’s given the contestants. Is that a fair criticism?

No. I mean Randy is our in-house mentor. He put together the workshop that you really liked, he brought in Adam and Chris. He’s been the mentor, and he’s actually working a lot — not only on camera, but off camera with the kids every week. And then he has brought in the other [guest] mentors. I think Randy’s doing a fantastic job.

Read the full article here.

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  1. glamity58 says

    Very nice, thanks. Just over a month and we’ll see Queen and Adam. I’m hoping the DVD will be out of this world.

  2. mandytwo says

    I think Adam gives his all in everything he does. Would love to see him perform on AI this season and would love for him to be a judge next season, replacing Harry Connick I think Adam, Keith and JLo would be great together. What fun it would be to see him on a weekly basis doing what he does best. What fun the judges would have with Adam there.

  3. Lila Hayes Zubik says

    Show us more Adam!