Remember as far back as last weekend, when Miami welcomed Adam Lambert with the key to the city and was their headliner at the Gay Pride festival?
The publisher of the same South Florida newspaper that gave us the wonderful video interview that we posted with Adam and also broke the story of Adam Lambert and Sauli Koskinen’s break up, is now throwing dirt on Adam, saying his upcoming media award from GLAAD is a joke. In this attached editorial piece from South Florida Gay News, publisher Norm Kent uses very inflammatory language, all to cast shadow on the legitimacy of Adam being honored so early in his career by GLAAD. He is so disapproving of a young star receiving this, and accuses GLAAD of choosing Adam merely as a way to “fill the seats and make money for GLAAD at its annual fundraising dinner.”
After reading this poorly researched piece on Adam, I now understand more of what I’ve heard about how gays don’t support each other. This outtake talks about how Adam became a national star on American Idol: “As obvious as it was that he was gay, he also remained in the closet during his meteoric rise to stardom while on the TV show.” I know! I know! I can hear you screaming from my computer desk! There’s no way that Adam tried to hide anything on Idol! He was the most stylized male contestant ever to appear on the stage and and even sang Cher’s Believe early in the competition. If that didn’t scream “gay” I don’t know what did! But the final example of irresponsible reporting was the statement that Adam remained in the closet on Idol. We’ve heard a hundred times that contestants weren’t allowed to have any contact with outside media. What was he supposed to do? Put an “I’m gay” sign on his back, right above his cat o’ 9 tails during Ring of Fire?!?! The moment he came off Idol, he was right on the cover of Rolling Stone, singing his “outness” to the world.
Kent seems just as upset that after the article was published about Adam and Sauli’s break-up, their servers crashed. “Because after Parsley’s story on Lambert’s boy breakup went online at, it was picked up first by Lambert’s groupies and within hours a slew of entertainment and gossip sites had picked up the story and linked back to us. Our servers could not handle the traffic.” Oh, heaven forbid. This publication has received more hits and traffic than ever before. The shame. More like your welcome, for now you know how badly you needed an upgrade!
After the scathing editorial on Adam appeared, the South Florida Gay News tweeted:
Adam Lambert fans, please do not mistake the view of our publisher with the view of SFGN as a whole.
— S. Florida Gay News (@soflagaynews) April 17, 2013
followed by:
Our associate publisher @jeparsley, who interviewed Adam Lambert, is writing a rebuttal editorial at this very moment.
— S. Florida Gay News (@soflagaynews) April 17, 2013
Click here for the full editorial and here for the rebuttal.
But please remember, thank goodness we live in a free country where we are all allowed to express our opinions and live the life we choose. I even enjoyed reading many of the two camps’ comments after these articles. If there’s anything that will make you laugh, it’s seeing how passionate both sides are!
Love ya!
~ Carol ~
I wrote several comments to that article saying much of what you said Carol. I think the guy was just trying to get hits again. Doesn’t matter because he was bombarded with negative comments. I think he learned his lesson.
Carol, after reading all the responses to Kent’s article { filled with jealousy and hate,in my humble opinion,} it’s very obvious that the only JOKE is the publisher himself. It makes me sad that some in the LGBTQ community don’t realize what a special and unique advocate Adam Lambert is, for the causes and rights they have been struggling so long and hard for. I have faith in Adam–he continues to rise above all the ugliness and exhibits a courage only few dare to embrace.
who is this publisher, had his head stuck up someones arse, biggest load of shit I’ve ever read……I agree with you Lorraine, Carol & Glamity. I’m an AL nutter, and he gets me through my day, everyday, each song means something different to all of us; and have been lucky enough for a M&G and that photo I keep proudly with me at all times, and don’t need encouraging to show it to peeps……and I’m a Nana (gran) rofl….
Everything i read he was already out and seen no reason to beat a dead horse.
I would not give this guy the satisfaction or another hit on his site. He sound like a jerk just looking for attention. Of course he really does not know the Adam we do. I started to read some of the comments and then I wanted to tell him off myself but that’s what he wants…what a as#@#@@!!!!! I hope his site crashes and burns!!!!
Glamb 616