Adam Lambert’s Streaker Returns at the San Diego Fair!

We have so much to tell and share with you on this Independence Day, not only about Adam Lambert’s concert at the San Diego Fair on July 2, 2013, but also the AT&T Live Proud concert last night. But I want to get this out quickly so I’m just concentrating on this piece right now. More will come, I promise!

At Adam Lambert’s San Diego County Fair show, I’m sure you’ve all heard he had a stage jumper. It’s incredible enough how she got onstage, but even more unbelievable is the fact that this was a repeat performance!

SD Fair sitting on stage
Thank you TALC for this photo.

Katelyn Greathouse, the same girl who took her top off and jumped onstage at Mt. Carmel High School when Adam was making his American Idol Season 8 Homecoming Appearance on the football field 4 years ago, stole the moment again!

The SD Fair occurrence took place during his sexy performance of For Your Entertainment. I didn’t start filming this song, but I was so turned on by the vibe that I went against character and grabbed my camera halfway through. Luckily I did, because who knew what was about to happen! Katelyn dashed onstage from the side, for just a brief 2 seconds, running in front of Adam. As quickly as she appeared, she was gone. I applaud Adam for thinking so quickly and high-fiving her! He was completely entertained by the moment. I loved his reaction and his directions to the backstage security to leave her alone.

I checked YouTube this morning to see if my video posted and was amazed to see it had almost 11,000 views in just one day. This is thanks to Lindsey Parker using my video in her Reality Rocks online article.

First is my video. Kately appears at 1:20. (Weirldy, I just watched it in my Preview version, and when it ended, it went into my next video from the Fair. Did this happen for you too?) Then for some real Entertainment, watch the video Katelyn posted, which shows the event from start to finish. I can’t believe how she got onstage. This girl is my new hero!! Her video even included some of my footage, plus a trip down memory lane at Mt. Carmel High School.

This is another reminder that Adam is different from every other contestant who has EVER been on American Idol. But, I don’t have to remind you of that, do I!

Happy 4th of July!!

Love ya!

~ Carol ~

Katelyn’s Webcast

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  1. glamity58 says

    I am so jealous that you got to witness all this. I love the videos and have watched them before. I saw Lyndsey’s article yesterday. This is hilarious! Thanks for keeping us informed and keep up the good work. Are you going to his concert on July 19? I look forward to more videos and memories from you Carol. Thanks.

  2. so darn cute!

  3. Lucynka Piotrowska says

    Great photo! He is so handsome…hm

  4. Lila Hayes says

    What a riot! I’m so glad she filmed it!!!