Adam Lambert Wins China’s Favorite International Artist!

With all the time Adam Lambert has been spending around the world giving highly received concerts, it’s no wonder that he’s been named Favorite International Artist on the Chinese Music Awards. Also in the running were Ke$ha, Psy and Taylor Swift.

Adam Lambert displays his most recent award; Favorite International Artist.

Adam Lambert displays his most recent award; Favorite International Artist.

Adam made the announcement via Twitter.

In this all-in-one video, we see Adam’s red carpet interview, the award announcement and best of all, his live performance! He sings both the family-friendly version of Trespassing and Naked Love for the crowd. This show was quite different from what we saw a few days earlier on the Miami stage. This time he had musicians but no dancers. Adam was also dressed a bit more subdued. Just your basic black glam-styled fabric and leather blazer with a long shiny tank, styled black and white print pants and knee-high black boots. Nothing special. Yeah right! Gorgeous as ever!

Thanks to sosolichahyeah for the video from the Chinese Music Awards. Don’t get scared. The sound doesn’t come in until about 20 seconds in.

Love ya!


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  1. No one more deserving than Adam. Thrilled for the humanitarian awards coming his way also . Well done Adam!

  2. Yey… Congratulations Adam! We are so happy for you!

  3. glamity58 says

    I hope he doesn’t get negative comments from Chinese fans because he dissed the dancers. I think I would have loved them. Something different than his pair of dancers that are a little too flambouyant to me, especially Johnny. His performance was ok, but I miss his band. Understandable so far away and just an awards show…..