Wearing some divine Gucci sunglasses and matching shirt, Adam Lambert ran down his just-released VELVET album live on the iHeart Radio app Friday afternoon and brought viewers in to talk about each track. He gave insight as to what inspired songs, what it’s like to sing them, and answered questions running up his screen about the songs.

It was a rare moment to go this deep inside his thought process and learn some inside tips. For example, Loverboy is about someone wanting more of a connection with Adam before things progressed from the bar, where they just met, not the other way around. And Closer To You is really hard for Adam to sing. Not emotionally, but because of the voice athletics it calls for. And the biggest surprise he discovered that morning was that the first pressing of physical CDs are missing the vocal track on New Eyes. These will become a “Collector’s Edition!” He explains a “clerical error” is to blame and it becomes a perfect track for karaoke. So he suggests to film yourself singing and send it to him!
Love ya!
~ Carol ~
OMG, those glasses are a riot!
But he adjusted then about one thousand timess. I want to get him a band that will hold them in place! LOL ?
I got my CD. Thank you Adam. I got it I got it. Whoo! Whoo! Love you always for sharing your great gift with all of us.