Adam Lambert Bares His Soul With New “Closer To You” Video

Adam Lambert is not letting postponed concerts get in the way of sharing his soul and artistic visions with the world.

Screen cap by Carol Hagey

At his Hollywood home, Adam recorded a new video version of his emotional song Closer To You, from the recently-released VELVET album. This is a perfect example of how great he sounds and looks, LIVE in concert. Based on the staging and his wardrobe, it looks like this was done at the same time as his Global Citizen One World: Together At Home performances of Superpower and Mad World on April 18th.

Love ya!

~ Carol ~

Video courtesy of Global Citizen

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  1. Janet BILICKI says

    I love this song….he performs live so well. So sad that he puts out a new album that is so good and this ridiculous pandemic hits. I hope he can recover.

    • Musicalgal says

      I always buy Adams musical items. I voted for 4 hours non stop and my phone was broken after that season. Worth every penny – how could we not support our Adam. I’m please he is sharing with us this way. I know you agree too. He is the best and sharing with his fans. Yeah Adam keep gong. Love ya always.

  2. Love this! He sounds amazing live!

  3. Lila Hayes Zubik says

    OMG, that velvet shirt!