Dear Subscribers,
Lila & I want to apologize to you, our valued readers. We didn’t realize that the email notifications to you for our articles had ceased. Lila has found a new service that will deliver these notifications by email and more. We are working hard to make the transition as smooth as possible.

They will look different in your inbox, as they are now coming from as a Feedburner alternative and the subject will be: Adam Lambert the Official-Unofficial Fan Site – new message. Be sure to put the new address in your contacts so they won’t go to spam. We still immediately post on our Twitter: @adamlambertidol and Facebook: Adam Unofficial, anytime an article is published. You can now add filters on how you want to receive notices here.
There may be a note at the top of the email asking you to confirm that you still want to receive notifications from We hope you’re staying with us as one of the ways to get news about Adam Lambert, one of the most fantastic entertainers in the world today!
I was lucky enough to attend the private High Drama Listening Party last Thursday. Adam joined us for a Q&A portion afterward and he was completely charming! We had to turn in our phones and sign NDAs that we wouldn’t release any info to any social media, but I’ve asked for permission to write about the Q&A. Stay tuned!
Be sure and read the library of articles we’ve published in the last few months that you may have missed out on. We think the notifications may have stopped several months ago.
Glad you’re still with us and rest assured, we’re back in business!
Love ya,
~ Carol & Lila ~