Adam Lambert: Miami Beach Gay Pride Full Interview

@adamlambert conducted many pieces of business while in Miami this past weekend for the Gay Pride event.

Miami interview

Among them was this interview, here at full length. One of those pieces of business must have been some late night partying because he wouldn’t remove these gorgeous sunglasses to reveal his even more gorgeous eyes! Photo courtesy of

Something he couldn’t hide was the new tattoo on the top-side of his right wrist. I haven’t heard anything about this – does anyone have any info on the meaning, etc? This is an upside down view from a picture he tweeted.

miami pillow

Love ya!
~ Carol ~

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  1. glamity58 says

    I listened to the whole interview. Adam is always entertaining. Would not give out any information about his new album. Bummed there is no talk of a tour and no mention of Queen. I look on-line every day to see some news of Adam. I hope things get better for him and he finds his niche either on radio, TV, theatre, fashion. I’d like him to be around for a long time.

  2. Carol,

    Laughed when I read your note… I don’t think I’ve ever talked to anyone else that has the same favs for music.. I mean Adam and Linkin Park are not really much alike.. But I love them both and Muse… And 80’s alternative… STP, REM… etc. Music does add so much to a person’s life. Listen to something every day.

  3. Sorry to hear no talk about new album. I was really hoping for a ROCK vibe in the 3rd album! I hope his label is still confident in him. Disappointed with no tours 🙁


  1. […] publisher of the same South Florida newspaper that gave us the wonderful video interview that we posted with Adam and also broke the story of Adam Lambert and Sauli Koskinen’s break up, […]