When @adamlambert and the cast of Glee did “What Does The Fox Say,” Carol and I just had to laugh. Here is the Glee version.
HD: Adam Lambert – G l e e – S05E07 from Carina on Vimeo.
It’s been a huge YouTube sensation this year and you can see it here:
The first time I saw it was when Carol took me to the iHeart Festival a couple of months ago.
Well, it ends up my son decided he wanted to be The Fox this Halloween and since a few of us went to see the music of Danny Elfman performed at Staples that night we decided to be the backup singers. Because Adam was a part of the song I thought our costumes were a funny tie-in. Hope you find it entertaining too!
Oh you worked that in so well! I had a great time with you & family at Danny Elfman/Tim Burton & even better when we saw Ylvis at iHeart! I still can’t believe they wouldn’t let us bring those beautiful masks inside at The Nokia.
We can never get enough of Adam
He is my legend and soooooo good to look at.
I love Adam too
I am a 65-year old grandmother and haven’t been in love with a performer, since I was 15 and kissed Paul McCartney’s picture every night before I went to sleep.
Adam has the best voice and range that I’ve heard in years. Listen to him sing the love song from “Brigadoon” and listen to the beauty of his voice. His personality, stage presence and sexiness complete the package. I adore him! My wish is that his appearance on Glee will drive his career to more concerts here in the US and more TV and possibly movies. Can’t get enough of him.
You should of Went to Las Vegas a few years back and seen Adam in person like I did,