Many of you have now seen the school assignment video shot by teens in Rancho Peñasquitos, that featured a young Adam Lambert. The filmmaker messaged me yesterday, asking if I’d like to post it, and we entered into a discussion on the making of the video and having Adam as a neighbor.

As noted under the video, this was a sophomore year Psychology 100 project by Adam Barker and his classmates, Chris Martino and Mike Moran. Adam Barker is the drummer/mom, in case you were wondering. He told me they “got those drums at a garage sale and there wasn’t even a bass pedal.” We didn’t even notice, ha ha!
They knew Adam (and his whole family) from around the neighborhood and knew he was into acting. This was in the early 90s and Adam was in 4th grade, according to Barker. If so, I figure that’s around 1991-92. Then later he said he thought Adam was 8 or 9.
To give you a little insight into how this all happened, here goes. I’m on the couch, phone in hand checking Facebook when a DM pops up from Adam Barker. I don’t know who this is, and there was just a solid color block saying something like “tap this to receive a blurred image” and I’m thinking, “okay, this is spam/virus/porn, and what trouble will I be in if I open it?” There’s also a message, “hi. I was Adam’s neighbor growing up. I found an old school video I made starring little Adam . would u like to post it??” That didn’t sound like porn to me, and the name Adam catches my attention, so I tap the photo. It’s blurred but I can make out a kid lying on the couch, and it says to tap again to see it clearly. I’ve never seen anything like that before. So I tap it again, and see the picture of a freckly faced kid on a blue plaid couch. I knew right away it was young Lambert, so I respond back, “do you have the full video?” “Yeah. It’s pretty funny. Adam was a good actor.” Then he asked me if I had a way to secure permission from Adam’s camp to post the video, and he sends the link to the YouTube. As I’m watching, he asks “What are u thoughts?”
I had to be careful here because I didn’t want to go all “fan girly, hysterical Glambert” on him and frighten him away, LOL! So I calmly replied, “So funny! You guys were a few years older. How did he come to be in the video? Was he known in the neighborhood to be an actor?” Notice the fishing work I was doing here?!? So here’s how the conversation went, with permission from Adam Barker to re-tell it.
Adam – He was my neighbor and I needed a kid to be in it. Obviously we had no music talent – it was for fun and for a school project. He was doing plays in downtown SD I believe. He was a super nice and cool little kid. His brother Neil was the crazy one. And super funny for a little kid. If you said one of these kids will be famous – I would have thought Neil for sure. Haha
Carol – He and Neil were so different from what I can tell. Neil is so dry & sarcastic!”
A – He never knocked – he’d just storm in whenever he was bored. And hit me up for candy. Ha
C – Who? Neil or Adam?
A – Neil
C – Ha ha!
A – Adam was polite. Crazy polite for our wild street. He’d say “may I watch you on your skate ramp?” Sure. “Thank you”
C – How sweet! Did he ever want to try?
A – He would skate on the street. It’s funny how many famous musicians came from our little area. About the same time. Well Adam was younger.
Then we started getting into lengthy conversations about other musicians, and it came back to the Lambert Family. He asked if I had any knowledge of where they were living now, saying their dads were friends, and that he’d like to have a beer with him. Then he encouraged me to post the video saying, “I’m sure Adam won’t care. He doesn’t look bad in it.” He also thought the fans would appreciate it!
We continued chatting and found out we have people and likes in common, and plan on getting together next time I’m in LA. We talked again today, and he urged me, “make sure it puts the experience in a good light. I was so happy to find that video. Adam and Neil were seriously the coolest kids. And I’d say if they weren’t.”
We went on to talk about how the neighborhood has received all the changes in Adam’s career and when I was thanking him for his time, I asked if he had any other memories that he thought the fans would enjoy that wouldn’t invade his privacy? He told me, “I was working a crap job at Sea World. Lasted about 3 weeks. And I was working a food cart or something terrible and the Lamberts saw me and I remembered the next time I saw Adam he was jealous like “you get to work at Sea World. That’s amazing!” Ha ha.
I don’t know why, but I flashed to Adam working at The Gap during the 5 weeks he attended Cal State Fullerton. I don’t think he thought that was so amazing! What I did think was amazing was how genuinely concerned Adam Barker was that this was presented positively, so there was no bad reflection on Adam. He went on to tell me how he’s defended Adam through various circumstances and always thought the highest of him.
Anyway, here’s the video. I hope you enjoyed this interview with Adam Barker, brought to you exclusively from!
Love ya!
~ Carol ~
Wow!!! This is amazing that you scored this exclusive interview. Even as a kid Adam had that “it” quality.
You really kept your cool ! lol
Ha ha! Thanks!