Adam Lambert has just released an acoustic performance video for his newly released song, Feel Something.

This is right on the heels of his triumphant performance with Queen at the Oscars and the news that there will be a 2-hour ABC documentary on Queen + Adam Lambert on April 29 titled The Show Must Go On.
It’s happening Glamberts – domination – just like we all knew back in 2009. Good things come to those who wait!
Love ya!
~ Carol ~
WOW I love it. Very dark though. Thanks for sharing Carol
That’s beautiful. This is the first place I’ve seen it, thank you.
I have been following Adam through your emails ever since Idol. I only ever attended the American Idol tour concert. I went way out of my comfort zone because I went alone. I just knew I had to see him. TY for letting me follow his career .
Wow! Love it
I like this simple version!
Its a beautiful song and Adam Lambert sings it also so beautifully. However , I hate the theme of loss. This is so not Adam. I prefer him happy, healthy, and energetic with smiles that never end. So this song is kind of a disappointment to me. I hope his upcoming album is not based on loss also. What it will do to the masses of fans and the tears they will all cry….I’d rather see every one giddy and smiling…..and I hope he will have an influence in redirecting it to embetternment….
Awesome! Thank you for sharing!
It’s so good! It’s sad that he was down for awhile. Hope he finds what he is looking for.I can’t wait for this whole album to come out!