Adam Lambert partnered with AT&T for the second year on the Live Proud movement and rewarded fans, this time on the east coast, for a seated acoustic performance.
Not only was the musical presentation stripped down, but so was his appearance. Wearing only foundation, he topped himself with a dapper chapeau and black leather jacket. The boots were fabulous though and had a touch of glam. Adam genuinely enjoyed himself in front of this group, consisting of winners from the Live Proud meme contest and some Glamberts, who he immediately called out for their great style, saying “Glamberts love to accessorize!”

Adam speaks highly to his Glamberts ’cause they accessorize!
Adam performed four songs including two of his own, one from Queen, and a mashup from both him and Queen. Wouldn’t it be terrific if this mashup made it to January 2015’s UK/European tour? He sang Crazy Little Thing Called Love, Outlaws of Love, a mashup of Trespassing and Another One Bites the Dust and finished with Whataya Want From Me? The expression on his face during “thanks for loving me, ‘cause you’re doing it perfectly” (at 14:40) conveyed his appreciation for the crowd. Adam thanked the crowd, blew the audience a kiss, thanked his guitarist, stood up and left the stage. Unseen on this video, the audience immediately began chanting “Adam, Adam” to no avail. Host George Kotsiopoulos had some truly uncomfortable moments trying to deal with this. You may be able to catch it on this live stream:
Thank you to TALC for the following full-length performance video.
For more about AT&T’s event, read here.
Love ya!
~ Carol ~
Adam can turn any song into a completely new and refreshed one –
the consummate entertainer … and thensome. With his talent and vocals,
he will never be duplicated — thanks for making so many fans happy they
joined you on your wondrous journey.
Thanks Carol for sharing this with us. He brings tears to my eyes when he sings. I am so happy for his success. I can only imagine how he must feel being the front man for QUEEN after them being his IDOLS for so many years. I hope all his dreams come true because he is a down to earth and wonderful person. LOVE LOVE LOVE him and always will. Just wish I could see him again. I saw him at Hard Rock in Hollywood Fl. I love his look much better now. But no matter what he is wearing he looks beautiful. Thanks again Carol for sharing this very personal video with us.
You’re welcome Mandytwo! I’m glad I found this so soon!
It’s great seeing/hearing him in a different setting!
The AMA’s were rated TV14L for strong laagunge. That means a parent could let their 14, 15, 16, 17yr-olds watch with nothing to worry about but occasional cursing. Now let me ask you, what do you think would happen to middle or high school student if they gave the same performance at the school talent show? Lambert stuck his crotch in the faces of two dancers, had one dancer fondle his privates while he fondle yet another dancer. Janet Jackson also fondle a dancer inappropriately for a program rated TV14L. As parent and a youth advocate, this issue isn’t about what adults can handle or want to see, it is about media that is specifically targeting our youth on the public airwaves.
Adam is such an amazing role model, I could not be any prouder of him & being a Glambert!!!!!