Adam Lambert Reveals New Album Title in LIVE Chat!

Adam Lambert had a LIVE video chat on his Instagram page today and gave us a few thrills! Among them was upcoming solo tour news, he chatted about his love for his new long hair, the new Egyptian statue he got that reminds him of Pharaoh, a lyric from his upcoming song New Eyes and . . . the name of his new album. I’ll give you a hint – it’s part of the title of his favorite movie. Or is this just a coincidence?

Screencap photo by Carol Hagey
Adam’s Venice find
Screencap photo by Carol Hagey

Okay, I won’t leave you in suspense any longer – – – the album title is VELVET! Tune into the video to learn a lyric from New Eyes and more.

Video courtesy of Scorpio Bert!

And don’t forget to tune into the American Idol finale May 19th to see Adam sing his new song!

Love ya,

~ Carol ~

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  1. Whew, he’s a talker. It’s great when he keeps us updated! Who’s excited to see him perform?!?!?